The flex alignment of the card
Card is a flexible component used to group and display content in a clear and concise format.
Chakra UI exports 4 components to help you create a Card.
import { Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardFooter } from '@chakra-ui/react'
- Card: The parent wrapper that provides context for its children.
- CardHeader: The wrapper that contains a card's header.
- CardBody: The wrapper that houses the card's main content.
- CardFooter: The footer that houses the card actions.
Basic Card#
Put in some content in the CardBody
to get a basic card.
<Card><CardBody><Text>View a summary of all your customers over the last month.</Text></CardBody></Card>
Card with Divider#
There are instances when you have multiple content to display in the CardBody
and you may want to add dividers between them.
<Card><CardHeader><Heading size='md'>Client Report</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Stack divider={<StackDivider />} spacing='4'><Box><Heading size='xs' textTransform='uppercase'>Summary</Heading><Text pt='2' fontSize='sm'>View a summary of all your clients over the last month.</Text></Box><Box><Heading size='xs' textTransform='uppercase'>Overview</Heading><Text pt='2' fontSize='sm'>Check out the overview of your clients.</Text></Box><Box><Heading size='xs' textTransform='uppercase'>Analysis</Heading><Text pt='2' fontSize='sm'>See a detailed analysis of all your business clients.</Text></Box></Stack></CardBody></Card>
Card with Image#
Place the content within the CardBody
to get a nice padding around.
<Card maxW='sm'><CardBody><Imagesrc=''alt='Green double couch with wooden legs'borderRadius='lg'/><Stack mt='6' spacing='3'><Heading size='md'>Living room Sofa</Heading><Text>This sofa is perfect for modern tropical spaces, baroque inspiredspaces, earthy toned spaces and for people who love a chic design with asprinkle of vintage design.</Text><Text color='blue.600' fontSize='2xl'>$450</Text></Stack></CardBody><Divider /><CardFooter><ButtonGroup spacing='2'><Button variant='solid' colorScheme='blue'>Buy now</Button><Button variant='ghost' colorScheme='blue'>Add to cart</Button></ButtonGroup></CardFooter></Card>
Horizontal Card#
The card component has display: flex
by default. This means you make the
content in a horizontal direction by passing direction="row
<Carddirection={{ base: 'column', sm: 'row' }}overflow='hidden'variant='outline'><ImageobjectFit='cover'maxW={{ base: '100%', sm: '200px' }}src=''alt='Caffe Latte'/><Stack><CardBody><Heading size='md'>The perfect latte</Heading><Text py='2'>Caffè latte is a coffee beverage of Italian origin made with espressoand steamed milk.</Text></CardBody><CardFooter><Button variant='solid' colorScheme='blue'>Buy Latte</Button></CardFooter></Stack></Card>
Advanced Composition#
You can compose Card
with other components like Avatar
, Icon Button
more for a more advanced layout.
<Card maxW='md'><CardHeader><Flex spacing='4'><Flex flex='1' gap='4' alignItems='center' flexWrap='wrap'><Avatar name='Segun Adebayo' src='' /><Box><Heading size='sm'>Segun Adebayo</Heading><Text>Creator, Chakra UI</Text></Box></Flex><IconButtonvariant='ghost'colorScheme='gray'aria-label='See menu'icon={<BsThreeDotsVertical />}/></Flex></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>With Chakra UI, I wanted to sync the speed of development with the speedof design. I wanted the developer to be just as excited as the designer tocreate a screen.</Text></CardBody><ImageobjectFit='cover'src=''alt='Chakra UI'/><CardFooterjustify='space-between'flexWrap='wrap'sx={{'& > button': {minW: '136px',},}}><Button flex='1' variant='ghost' leftIcon={<BiLike />}>Like</Button><Button flex='1' variant='ghost' leftIcon={<BiChat />}>Comment</Button><Button flex='1' variant='ghost' leftIcon={<BiShare />}>Share</Button></CardFooter></Card>
Multiple cards#
Render multiple cards to display content by using the SimpleGrid
or your
preferred layout method.
<SimpleGrid spacing={4} templateColumns='repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr))'><Card><CardHeader><Heading size='md'> Customer dashboard</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>View a summary of all your customers over the last month.</Text></CardBody><CardFooter><Button>View here</Button></CardFooter></Card><Card><CardHeader><Heading size='md'> Customer dashboard</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>View a summary of all your customers over the last month.</Text></CardBody><CardFooter><Button>View here</Button></CardFooter></Card><Card><CardHeader><Heading size='md'> Customer dashboard</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>View a summary of all your customers over the last month.</Text></CardBody><CardFooter><Button>View here</Button></CardFooter></Card></SimpleGrid>
Centering content in a card#
Card comes with an inherent display="flex"
on it, so if you'd like to center
the content of your card, you can do this easily by passing align="center"
the Card.
<Card align='center'><CardHeader><Heading size='md'> Customer dashboard</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>View a summary of all your customers over the last month.</Text></CardBody><CardFooter><Button colorScheme='blue'>View here</Button></CardFooter></Card>
Chakra UI provides 4 card variants - elevated
, outline
, filled
, and
. Use the variant
prop to change the style of your card. If the
variant prop is not passed, the default variant, elevated
is used.
<Stack spacing='4'>{['elevated', 'outline', 'filled', 'unstyled'].map((variant) => (<Card key={variant} variant={variant}><CardHeader><Heading size='md'> {variant}</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>variant = {variant}</Text></CardBody></Card>))}</Stack>
Chakra UI provides 3 Card sizes. Use the size
 prop to change the size and set
the value to sm
, md
, or lg
<Stack spacing='4'>{['sm', 'md', 'lg'].map((size) => (<Card key={size} size={size}><CardHeader><Heading size='md'> {size}</Heading></CardHeader><CardBody><Text>size = {size}</Text></CardBody></Card>))}</Stack>
Color Schemes for Card
are not implemented in the default theme. You can extend the theme to implement them.
The flex direction of the card
The flex distribution of the card
"sm" | "md" | "lg"
"elevated" | "outline" | "filled" | "unstyled"
Work in Progress